3 in 1 Sit to Stand Learning Walker Baby Push Car Activity Walker with Remote Control

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karmasfarSKU: KM6389-pink
5 reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
The cutest little play table!

I mainly ordered this for the play table. It is the absolute perfect size for my 15 month old. I am not using the walker part of this product, so my review will only reflect the activity table. It's a small play table, so small that my toddler is able to pick it up and walk around with it. That's how lightweight it is. The play table is small, so it can be easily traveled with. It won't take up much room at all in a child's nursery/playroom.


My grandson 9 months was super excited when he saw this toy. He crawled right over and started exploring it right away! I love the rubber on the wheels along with the speed control. When he tries to stand it stays upright and barely moves.

Durable and sturdy

This was a Christmas gift for my nieces. All of them of various ages loved it and play with it continuously. They particularly like the singing miniphone. At first it wasn't easy to assemble the legs for the table mode due, but it makes sense once it's put together. Sturdy and durable - worth the price.

Perfect size! Great quality for price.

I purchased this for my grandson who is about to turn 9mos old. He's already starting to walk and this is allowing him to walk instead of crawl. He loves all the activities on it as well. The adjustment on the wheels helps a great deal to slow him down on hardwood floors. The adjustable handle is very handy as he is still young so it can grow with him.👍
The only thing I wish is if it was a bit more sturdy. It tends to tip even with the water filled in the container. Otherwise, it's perfect and his Mom is extremely grateful to be able to let him follow her around the house.

Fun toy that will last many years

I really love this toy. It will last so many years as well. It converts to a walker for a baby into a table for a toddler. There's so many different options and I love that it grows with the child. It's very sturdy as well both ways. It's easy to assemble also both ways. Overall, highly recommend.

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